Monday 1 March 2010

The Island trap

The problem with being in a place such as this is one doesnt want to leave- for 4 days we sunbathed (em sunburnt..tango styleee) snorkelled, icecream..the odd pinocoldada at a rasta bar round the corner ( weve made friends with the bar staff..probably the most laid back staff in the world..a measure is just a shot..they even made us our own cocktail!) sometimes we would head down the other end of the island to catch a fire show ( guys doing show off things with flaming sticks) and for a bit of a boogie- On the 5th day our feet were itching and we were palnning to hit the orad but Jordi, a dutch guy we have been travelling with on the island came down with a very high fever and couldnt even sit up in bed and we could just leave him by him slef so we stayed a couple of extra day until he recovered. I never thought i would get sick of paradise but its just to nice here to be interesting! So anyways since we were here we though we may as well stay for last night which was the full moon party over in ko phananag, Leaving our stuff here in ko toa we trekked over and spent the day there , exploring a far more exploited area. As the sunset we came acroos a tiny resort bar and stopped for pre party drinks , falling in with the crowd there ( some norweigens, an irish couple the smae age as us and a few others) we chatted, watched the dogs chase each other and made merry until we caught the cab over into what i can only describe as a night of mayhem.. People everytwhere ( and body paint everywhere else) by the time we hit the party at midnight there were already people asleep on the floor being danced on or trodden on- waves of people were being pushed out to dance in the sea- so many sound systems the music blurred into one as we clutched our buckets of samsung( potent thai wiskey) and danced away- earlier in the night we had purchased some hippy pants- my camera was in the pocket of these (along with jordis memory card) and unfortunatly bounced out to join the crowd..never to be seen again - and this was before i was actually drunk. Gutted. Totally. i spent ages scouring the beach for it. >useless< still these things happen. The rest of the night continued in an epic but wierd way- i made friendswith some random welsh as our group took it inturns to loose each other... we danced and danced and watched the runrise on the otherside and naked people frolicked in the ocean..we heard the speakers blare out for the after party and still they danced on. What a night.. we arrived nakered, beaten, dirty and covered in flouresent paint just in time for the 8.30 ferry back to ko tao. ledge.

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